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- /***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- FlashGot - a Firefox extension for external download managers integration
- Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Giorgio Maone - g.maone@informaction.com
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
- /* Data Swap HTTP server */
- FlashGotHttpServer=function(fgService) {
- this.fgService=fgService;
- this.isDown=true;
- this.serverSocket=Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/server-socket;1'
- ].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIServerSocket);
- this.serverSocket.init(-1,true,-1);
- this.isDown=false;
- this.serverSocket.asyncListen(this);
- this.tmpDir=this.fgService.tmpDir.clone();
- this.tmpDir.append("httpserv");
- this.logEnabled=fgService.getPref("LeechGet.httpLog",false);
- this.log("Listening");
- }
- FlashGotHttpServer.prototype={
- documents: []
- ,
- log: function(msg){
- if(this.logEnabled && this.fgService.logEnabled) {
- try {
- if(!this.logStream) {
- const logFile=this.tmpDir.clone();
- logFile.append("server.log");
- logFile.createUnique(0,0600);
- const logStream=Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"
- ].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileOutputStream );
- logStream.init(logFile, 0x02 | 0x10, 0600, 0 );
- this.logStream=logStream;
- }
- msg="HttpServer:"+this.serverSocket.port+" - "+msg+"\n";
- this.logStream.write(msg,msg.length);
- this.logStream.flush();
- } catch(ex) {}
- }
- }
- ,
- onSocketAccepted: function(ss,transport) {
- this.log("Accepted request from "
- +transport.host+":"+transport.port);
- try {
- new FlashGotHttpHandler(this,transport);
- } catch(ex) {
- this.log(ex.message);
- }
- }
- ,
- onStopListening: function(ss,status) {
- this.isDown=true;
- if(this.logStream) {
- this.log("Stopped, status "+status);
- }
- }
- ,
- randomName: function(len) {
- if(!len) len=8;
- var name="";
- for(var j=len; j-->0;) {
- name+=String.fromCharCode(65+(Math.round(Math.random()*25)));
- }
- return name;
- }
- ,
- addDoc: function(docSource,docType) {
- if (typeof(docType) == "undefined") docType="html";
- var file=this.tmpDir.clone();
- file.append(this.randomName() + "." + docType);
- file.createUnique(0, 0600);
- IO.writeFile(file, docSource);
- const name=file.leafName;
- this.documents.push(name);
- return "http://localhost:" + this.serverSocket.port + "/" + name;
- }
- ,
- getDoc: function(name) {
- const docs=this.documents;
- for(var j=docs.length; j-->0;) {
- if(docs[j]==name) break;
- }
- if(j<0) return null;
- var file=this.tmpDir.clone();
- file.append(name);
- return file.exists() ? IO.readFile(file) : null;
- }
- ,
- shutdown: function() {
- try {
- this.log("Shutting down");
- if(this.logStream) {
- this.logStream.close();
- this.logStream=null;
- }
- this.serverSocket.close();
- } catch(ex) {}
- }
- }
- function FlashGotHttpHandler(server,transport) {
- this.server=server;
- this.inputBuffer="";
- this.transport=transport;
- this.asyncStream=transport.openInputStream(0,0,0).QueryInterface(
- Components.interfaces.nsIAsyncInputStream);
- this.log("Waiting for request data...");
- const nsIThread=Components.interfaces.nsIThread;
- var thread=Components.classes['@mozilla.org/thread;1'].createInstance(nsIThread);
- thread.init(this, 0, nsIThread.PRIORITY_NORMAL, nsIThread.SCOPE_GLOBAL,nsIThread.STATE_JOINABLE);
- this.log("Thread started");
- }
- FlashGotHttpHandler.prototype = {
- log: function(msg) {
- this.server.log(this.transport.host+":"+this.transport.port+" - "+msg);
- }
- ,
- run: function() {
- this.log("I'm in thread");
- this.asyncStream.asyncWait(this,0,0,null);
- this.log("Asyncwait issued");
- }
- ,
- onInputStreamReady: function(asyncStream) {
- const bytesCount=asyncStream.available();
- this.log("Input stream ready, available bytes: "+bytesCount);
- if(bytesCount) {
- const inStream=Components.classes['@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1'].createInstance(
- Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream);
- inStream.init(asyncStream);
- var chunk=inStream.read(inStream.available());
- this.log("Received data chunk "+chunk);
- var buffer=this.inputBuffer.concat(chunk);
- var eor=chunk.length==0?buffer.length:buffer.search("\r?\n\r?\n");
- this.log("EOR: "+eor);
- if(eor>-1) {
- var request=buffer.substring(0,eor);
- this.inputBuffer="";
- this.handleRequest(request);
- this.close();
- } else {
- this.inputBuffer=buffer;
- this.run();
- }
- } else {
- this.close();
- }
- }
- ,
- close: function() {
- this.asyncStream.close();
- }
- ,
- buildResponse: function(body,status,contentType) {
- if(!contentType) contentType="text/html";
- if(!status) {
- status="200 OK";
- } else {
- body="<h1>"+status+"</h1><pre>"
- +body
- +"</pre><h5>FlashGot Http Server v. 0.1</h5>"
- }
- return "HTTP/1.1 "+status+"\r\nContent-type: "+contentType+"\r\n\r\n"+body;
- }
- ,
- handleRequest: function(request) {
- var response;
- var match;
- this.log("Handling request\n"+request);
- try {
- if(!(match=request.match(/^GET \/([^\s]*)/))) {
- response=this.buildResponse(request,"400 Bad Request");
- } else {
- var doc=this.server.getDoc(match[1]);
- if(doc==null) {
- response=this.buildResponse(request,"404 Not Found");
- } else {
- response=this.buildResponse(doc);
- }
- }
- } catch(ex) {
- response=this.buildResponse(ex.message+"\n"+request,"500 Server error");
- }
- var out=this.transport.openOutputStream(1,0,0);
- out.write(response,response.length);
- out.close();
- this.log("Sent response\n"+response);
- }
- }